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Here we go, lets get Blac running in under five minutes!


There are three parts to Blac:

1. Data Layer​

Where the data comes from

2. The Component​

Blac is based on the BLoC pattern, which stands for Business Logic Component. Think of this as a reusable component that handles state and logic.

3. The UI​

Use the state to render a view.

The BLoC Pattern tries to separate the business logic from the view as much as possible and act as a broker between the UI and the Data Layer.

Hands on​

Install Blac with your favorite package manager

npm i blac

Create a Cubit​

A Cubit is a Business Logic Component. It is a stateful object that handles contains the current state and methods related to it.

import { Cubit } from 'blac';

export default class CounterCubit extends Cubit<number> {
// define a method we can use later in our UI
public readonly increment = (): void => {
// Update the state with the `emit` method
this.emit(this.state + 1);

Create a new Blac instance​

also export the useBloc hook for later use in the react component

import { BlacReact } from 'blac';
import CounterCubit from './CounterCubit';

// this is your global state
const state = new BlacReact([
new CounterCubit(0)

export const { useBloc } = state;

Use the Cubit in react​

The simplest way to acess your state is with the useBloc hook, just reference the Cubit we created before.

import { useBloc } from 'src/state/state';
import CounterCubit from 'src/state/CounterCubit';

const Counter: FC = (): ReactElement => {
// useBloc returns the [state, cubit-class] as a "tuple"
const [state, { increment }] = useBloc(CounterCubit);
return <button onClick={() => increment()}>Count is: {state}</button>;